The Lost Generation

Labyrinth Rees Germany

Notes from a 2010 visit to Germany: My mom sat on a log of driftwood, next to the River Rhine, petting our dog Max, a black and white mutt. We […]

My Father’s Scar

Karl Brauer on horseback in Rees Germany

In Chapter 28 of Girls Don’t Ride Motorbikes I describe a scene with my dad, in which he shares memories of his youth and the rescue of his older cousin’s […]

In the Footsteps of my Ancestors


Please enjoy the notes from a conversation with my mom, while on a trip to Zandvoort, Holland, in 2011: “You know, Dorit,” my mom said, “you are just following into […]

Every Journey is a Spiritual Journey


A Pilgrimage Reminiscing. 16 more days until my next big trip. For me every journey is a spiritual journey. A pilgrimage where I uncover new and old parts of who […]

Inner Peace at High Speed

Inner Peace

Enjoyed a gorgeous day of zooming along my favorite country roads on the super machine, including a stop for a peaceful meditation at Cross Creek Lake near Avella, Pennsylvania. But […]

What is your definition of Happiness?


Do you cultivate happiness every day? Do you mark time in your schedule for the things and activities that make you happy? My goal is to find time in my schedule everyday for the things that I enjoy the most. One of those activities is of course motorcycle riding.

What do you read?


Tell me what you read and I tell you who you are! I can’t imagine a better start to a new day than sitting outdoors in the sunshine with a […]

Life is Movement


My mom always sends the best cards. “Life: that’s movement. Movement is evolution. Evolution is progress. Progress means to come closer to your goal.”     During my 2006 solo […]

What will you risk to truly know who you are?


Some of my favorite words just cannot be translated into other languages. Aufbruchstimmung, which contains the essence of everything I love about life, translates on Google Translate to ‘optimism.’ Seriously, […]

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